The Open Door is an entertainment event held once a month in the function hall at Smith church, downtown Hillsborough (the church with the clock in the steeple). There’s lots of free parking and the doors open by 6:30pm. People bring goodies to share and we provide decaf coffee and decaf tea, ice water, and hot cocoa and, of course, the exciting entertainment. Admission is FREE, although donations are gratefully accepted to help us off-set costs. The Open Door entertainment is local and outstanding, and we always brag that our audience is The Best!! The warm and welcoming atmosphere, our wonderful audience and great performers will keep you coming back month after month.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Buy Your Concert Tickets at The Open Door!

Smith church's function hall is the perfect venue for The Open Door, don't you think?  It has space for around 100 people, plus the lighted stage, and the refreshments room, as well as The Green Room for performers to store their gear and tune up.  We have the use of the chairs and tables and even the coffee and hot water urns.  And we are welcome, every month, to use all this for free.  That's right, I said "FREE!"
Just Desserts is very grateful to the people of Smith church.  In order to thank them for their generosity we perform an annual concert, with this year being our third, and every year the ticket proceeds go to the church.  The church building has been painted recently (doesn't it look beautiful?) and the money raised by this concert will go into the "Paint the Church" fund.
This year the benefit concert is on Saturday, October 27th starting at 7pm.  Just Desserts will give you an hour of music and immediately following, the church folk will give you yummy desserts.  What could be better?  Really, don't you think you'll get a great deal for your $10 ticket price?
Tickets will be available for purchase this Friday, 10/5, at The Open Door.  Remember, seating is limited so get your tickets early.
Tickets are also available by contacting the church office at: SmithMemorialUCC@mcttelecom.com or by calling the office at 464-3529.  You can also stop in to buy your tickets at Sweet Expressions (across West Main Street from the church).  But you know you're going to The Open Door this week anyway, so why not just pick up all the tickets you'll need while you're there?
Please help Just Desserts thank Smith church, whose generosity plays a HUGE part in our being able to bring you The Open Door.

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